
There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to your home’s issues. Your home is complex, and in order for it to work right, we need to look at the big picture.

I’m well-versed in the principles of modern building science, providing a wide range of services that can make your home more comfortable,  more efficient, and healthier. Whether your home is too hot or cold, your indoor air quality is suffering from vog or mold, or your energy bills have gone through the roof, we’ll discover the solutions you’re looking for.

As a licensed contractor in the state of Hawaii (Lic.#CT-36526), Terrawatt does many things:


There are a number of home comfort and efficiency issues that are obvious, such as high energy bills or inefficient cooling systems…but some things might be lurking, hidden.  That’s why it’s important to do a full inspection of the home to isolate any issues that are affecting your home’s performance.  Terrawatt performs comprehensive home energy audits to gain a thorough understanding of what’s going on, which leads to proposing more confident solutions.


Insulation is one of the most important elements of year-round home performance. It keeps cooled homes cool and warmed homes warm in the winter (yes, winter).  90% of homes in America are under-insulated, which can result in huge energy bills and an uncomfortable home.  If you’re thinking about AC…insulate first!


The absolute best way to get a handle on how a building is behaving is with a blower door test.  It’s like a blood pressure test, but for houses.  Did you notice that every time you go to the doctor, they take your blood pressure?  This test is in the same category.  It’s that important, and helps you figure out how much air sealing you need to do.  There are now minimum air leakage targets for new construction in Hawaii’s Building Code.


Enormous holes get introduced into buildings during the construction process, and cause all sorts of energy- and comfort-related problems. This is especially true of older, draftier single-walled homes and larger homes.  Finding the holes, and sealing them, is the solution and it works hand-in-hand with insulation.  Hawaii has an airtightness requirement for a reason.  Are you shopping for an insulator?  Ask if they do air sealing too.


Got strong, odd smells?  Mustiness or mildew?  Does the wind shift and fill your house with odors?  Indoor air quality problems are common on the Big Island and they’re be detrimental to your family’s health.  Fortunately, most indoor air quality issues can be solved after a thorough investigation to uncover the source of the problem.


Terrawatt can help ensure that your HVAC equipment is operating at peak performance, and I’ll help guide you on purchasing new equipment should you be in need of an upgrade.  I’m not so much an “AC guy,” though, but I can perform some tests on your system to check things like airflow and temperature rise.  Your AC contractor should be checking these things but they don’t always.


Have you heard the term “Reduce before you produce?”  A solar electric system can do wonders for your energy bill.  But what if you have trees in the way?  Or not enough roof area?  Or you only have north-facing roofs?  If a solar system doesn’t cover 100% of your energy bill, you’re leaving money on the table.  I’ll help you find the energy wasters in your house and reduce your HECO bill before you get on the solar coaster.  And then, when you do…you’ll be able to get a smaller system, saving you money.


Your dryer vent should be cleaned every year or two.  Maybe more often if it’s a vacation rental (lots of towels in the laundry) or if you have kids.  Cleaning your vent saves energy by shortening dryer times and helps prevent dryer fires.  The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that there are more than 15,000 dryer fires annually.


Are you a builder, architect, building official or contractor?  There’s a special section just for you.  I believe that we’re stronger together and will do everything I can to help move your project forwards.  I want your clients to rave about you.  Click here.

Terrawatt’s ready to make your home healthier, more comfortable and energy efficient. Contact me today to learn more!

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Hawaii Energy
Energy Star