What You Can Do About Vog
“Vog is a form of air pollution that results when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other gases and particles emitted by an erupting volcano react with oxygen and moisture in the presence of sunlight. The word is a portmanteau of the words ‘volcanic,’ ‘smog,’ and ‘fog’…the Kilauea volcano, on the Island of Hawaiʻi (aka “The Big Island”), has been erupting continuously since January 3, 1983…Kilauea emits 2,000–4,000 tons of SO2 every day.” (Thank you, Wikipedia.)
The Math On Solar Hot Water In Hawaii
I see the ads. Go solar! Save up to 40%! I have friends. They say it’s cheap! It’s the most energy you can get from the sun! The government says it’s a good idea. Such a good idea that since 2010, Hawaii has REQUIRED a solar hot water (SHW) system on every new home built. (There is an exception for on-demand water heaters but that’s a topic for another day.)
My Award-Winning Feijoada Recipe
I entered this into a chili cook-off and won third place. It’s not even chili, but it won. It’s that good. I can’t really take credit for this recipe, because it’s the national dish of Brazil. For a reason.

Heating Houses in Hawaii (PT. 1)
I live on the wet side of Waimea, north of Mauna Kea. You know what “mauna kea” means, right? It means “white mountain.” You know why it’s white, right? Because it snows sometimes. Today’s news: